My 321 has been working with my ps3 for about a month now. Occasionally it comes across a video or movie it cant play, but generally have had no issues. Today i noticed that i was missing 2 seasons of top gear (i have 1 to 10, but 7 & 8 werent showing up on the ps3). I did a manual refresh under the tools upnp server section it got to 62% and then stopped. I went back to the ps3 and those 2 missing folders now showed up. But when i try to go into a folder that has files in it I now get a DLNA Protocol Error 2110 and then 2101 right afterwards (within about a second of eachother) on the ps3. I restarted the 321 from the web config, went back into status and now it said that i have 0 drives, WTF lol!! Restarted the 321 again, and at least i have a drive, but am still getting the 2110 and 2101 errors on the ps3.
321 is firmware 1.01 with 1 x 1.5 tb seagate hd
ps3 is 2.60 firmware
I have dhcp enabled for both the ps3 and 321
ps3 ip :
321 ip :
router ip :
my router is a dlink WBR-1310, firware 4.00, upnp enabled on the router
I must have done something for it to stop working but idk. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance.