I've been using the DFL series for several years in different locations, and I really like them. This time, we only needed a small firewall for a management network, so we bought the smallest DFL, the DFL-160. I was very surprised to discover that the 160 is nothing like it's siblings! Completely different firmware, and highly "dumbed down". Easy to use, yes, but not very capable. The first major hitch, not supporting VLANs, I can sort of live with for now (this network doesn't really need it, for now).
But there is one problem that will be more difficult to live with if it's not fixable: I cannot seem to reach the admin interface when connected via VPN. Since there will only be servers on the LAN, I will need to connect via VPN to manage them. The setting for allowing in admins is WAN, LAN and DMZ. No VPN?
Is it possible to solve this via the GUI or CLI in any way, or will I have to return it for a bigger brother?