First of all, the documentation in the manual regarding setup to use with a printer tells us virtually nothing. Yes, I can use Google Chrome to browse the DNS325 and see the HP USB printer I have attached to it, but I cannot get beyond that.
Second, I had to call support and let the tech tell me to download the Shareport Utility for the DNS-323. I saw a bunch of utilities there on the D-Link support site, but now I cant find them.
I ran the sharport server, told the firewall to allow it, and now it complains that it cannot find the printer. That seems strange in view of the fact that I can see that the DNS325 has it in the printer status report when I log in as admin. The DNS-325 gives no other information about it.
Let's view this problem practically. All my windows system should only need to upload the file to the DNS-325's print server at the proper port of the router's ip address and the printer should print it and feed back the response information from the printer to my window's system. What's so hard about that?
AND look, I imagine the DNS-325 box has FREEBSD Unix embedded in it because THAT is the most reliable UNIX in the world (if anybody knows otherwise, let me know). And the technology for installing all kinds of printers under UBUNTU has become quite stable and error-free. So why can't the DNS-325 do it?
Yes, I know that it's never as simple as we wish to make a standalone box, but D-Link got into this business and should do it right.
Now I fear I'll have to return the box before I ever get a hard drive installed in it. I can't make it work with my printer and I've messed with it off and on all day.