Hey all, long time no post. Still can't believe OT conversations about nothing is still going on...
Anywho, I recently moved and ended up with a different comcast service level, but had been using the auto uplink speed. Well I was seeing just under 1Mbps on speedtest.net and realized I needed to look at that setting. So I connected right to the modem and could get about 4Mbps, and thus changed the manual setting to that and now everything wired or wireless measures at the 4. Thought this may be useful to others. I think this has been discussed before, and I think I went through this before too.
On an very slightly sad note, in moving and packing myself I just tossed this router in a tub that I moved myself but was slightly overloaded, and must have slightly bent it and now half the OLED display doesn't work. It looks cool but who actually uses that anyway...