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Author Topic: Best file compression/container for DVD rips?  (Read 6899 times)


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Best file compression/container for DVD rips?
« on: April 19, 2009, 04:51:04 PM »

Connection: Ethernet
Firmware: Fully Updated
PC: Windows 7 Beta Media Center/ Klite Codec Pack (Full)
Source: 1.5TB hard drive on PC
Extender Application: Media Center

I have been playing the trial and error game for the past 2 weeks since buying this unit. My whole DVD collection was originally in xvid/AC3 format in AVI containers. The video/sound quality was horrible so this format was abandoned. Next I tried H264/ACC in AVI containers and this improved but the appearance looked like a TV with bad reception. Next was H264/ACC in MP4 containers. This was the clearest but the video lagged at random spots and I noticed the PC was running at 30-40% CPU (2.3ghz Core2Duo) while the videos were playing. Lastly H264/ACC in MKV containers. This would crash when trying to play it through MC but ran perfect from a USB drive.

So with my long winded speech over, what does anyone recommend for a file compression/audio/container format? I spent a lot of CPU cycles playing trial and error and am getting tired of playing guessing games with this unit. The DSM-750 plays my music collection (MP3) just fine and for some reason plays all my animations (H264/ACC/MP4) just fine albeit the CPU running a little high. I have over 300 DVD’s I would like to convert into a format that is playable through Vista/Windows7 Media Center on the DMS-750.

Any and all help is appreciated at this point.

edit: If I don't hear back in a week or so, I'm selling this unit. All I wanted to do was play ripped/converted DVD's and so far this unit is NOT doing that. I've been tinking with file formats/containers/bit rates constantly for 2 weeks and am at the end of my rope.
« Last Edit: April 19, 2009, 11:03:31 PM by unscripted80 »


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Re: Best file compression/container for DVD rips?
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2009, 05:32:18 AM »

My advice is to encode H.264/AAC in the MKV file format, limiting yourself to "DivX Pro" specifications (by doing that, your files are more likely to play on handheld HD media players when they are released at the end of 2009). I recommend this because in the long term, I think that these files will become as close to a standard as we will get. Unfortunately in the short term, there are two major drawbacks:
-Windows Media Player will not recognize their metadata, so you can't make a nice organized library
-They won't work with Media Center Extenders.
I say "short term" because at some point I expect these problems to be addressed. It might be awhile though...


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Re: Best file compression/container for DVD rips?
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2009, 10:45:49 AM »

I don't plan on using any portable players other than my laptop. Mainly I want them to play on my PC and on the DSM-750.


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Re: Best file compression/container for DVD rips?
« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2009, 04:46:29 PM »

I stand by my answer, simply because everyone should go for widespread compatibility 'cause who knows what will happen down the line. I will expand a bit however :)

-For video quality, now that H.264 is around, it's the only way to go.
-For containers that natively support H.264 there's mkv and mp4. I recommend the mkv as a long-term solution, but until Microsoft wakes up, mp4 is your only option for Media Center Extenders and WMP library support. The good news is that once you've got your video and audio streams encoded, you should be able to remux them from one container to the other with minimal fuss, without re-encoding. So you could make mp4s now, and remux them to mkvs later. (If this isn't right, someone please tell me.)
-Audio is a bit less straightforward. On the one hand there's mp3 and aac, on the other there's dolby (ac3) and dts. I don't personally don't recommend ac3/dts: first, they're not universally supported. Second, mp4 doesn't support dts at all. Third, you might want to re-encode to a lower bitrate than the original DVD anyway (and possibly downmix to stereo), so you might as well stick to a more mainstream codec.
-Stereo or 5.1 is another interesting question. If you want 5.1 then you're doing aac because mp3 doesn't support it. I don't know how widespread 5.1 support is in devices - I'd love it if every device could either play or downmix it, and if that is the case then you should definitely use it. The DSM-750 is particularly stupid here, because it downmixes before outputting, even if you use digital out to a 5.1 home theater. All I have to say there is, grr.

And a few quick observations regarding your previous attempts:
-xvid/ac3 can look and sound fantastic, as long as you encode it right (point #1 is make sure you're using a high enough bitrate). There's absolutely nothing wrong with either codec. But as I mentioned above, now that H.264 is around...
-H.264 is not recommended in AVI containers. It can be made to work, but just don't do it.
-H.264 will make your processor work harder than xvid. It looks better (at a lower bitrate) because it uses more complicated compression techniques, and it takes more "brains" to decode it. H.264 is also very scalable, meaning that you can really crank the compression settings to get a slightly smaller file, and you'll need that much more CPU power to decode it. That's why I mentioned DivX's specs, because it keeps things reasonably CPU-friendly while still looking great.

Just remember that both xvid and h.264 can look great, as long as you're using the right encoding settings.

Hope that helps...