When I access the 321 with my XP machine, then create a folder, it works just fine. When I access the 321 with my Vista machine, then create a folder, I get this message:
The \\DLINK-5198D8\Volume_1\D-Link DNS-321\{NAME OF PARENT FOLDER IN WHICH I WAS TRYING TO CREATE A FOLDER} folder does not exist. The file may have been moved or deleted. Do you want to create it?
Well, it's pretty obvious that the parent folder has not been moved or deleted. If I click on yes, the message reappears. If I click on No, the message goes away, and I end up with a new folder called "new folder", not what I tried to name it.
Now, if I attempt to rename the new folder to a name of my choosing, the error comes back and I start all over. So it appears, that I can only create folders called "new folder" with my Vista machine.