Ok so...
I got this adapter..hooked it up...slapped in the software..worked fine. Excellent connection...on the net...downloading...transfering files to other pc's on my network. Great!
Now...here's the thing...if I transfer large files say a gig in size...it starts...then boom...it stops...won't transfer...check my connection...I'm connected...but can't do anything, no internet nothing but it shows I'm connected...I have to disconect then reconect then it's ok for a while. I start the transfer again...boom...it stops...still have full conection. I reset my router...no change. Still get the same results.
So...I went and downloaded the drivers from dlink...took out the software and just put in the drivers. Still the same. It seems it stops working when I do long transfers...like a torrent or transfering files to another pc. The internet usage is fine but the load time for a webpage, say...facebook is very slow. I'll check the other laptops on my network that have wireless and there's no problem...go back to my pc with the dlink and I'm t a stand still.
Using windows 7 32 bit. Lots' of ram and plenty of power...this adapter is only like a month old.
Any advise??