Yes I did. Deleted symlink, recreated it (with ln-command but also with WinSCP (graphical tool)) / changed the owner,so i had to reenter user/pw for acccessing network share in Windows... No changes at all - everytime errormessage.
I did the same thing also with my other box, which is running the older firmware 2.02. Everything worked fine.
I also tried to downgrade the box from 2.03 to 2.02 -> symlink then worked correctly. Seems definitly to be a problem with firmware 2.03. But I can't stay with this downgrade, because now I have a problem with the web-admin interface. Can't manage my network-shares, because the table with sharenames don't open anymore.
I upgraded once again to 2.03 -> now my webadmin works correctly -> but I have once again the problem with symlinks.
This is frustrating