- What region are you located?
- Are you wired or wireless connected to the router?
- Has a Factory Reset been performed?
- Was a Factory Reset performed before and after any firmware updates?
No and no.
- Was the router working before any firmware updates?
Sure - but I couldn't get IPv6 to work until I upgraded it.
Internet Service Provider and Modem Configurations
- What ISP Service do you have? Cable or DSL?
ISP is 'IDNet' - it's a VDSL connection but that's handled by a separate modem.
- What ISP Modem Mfr. and model # do you have?
Supplied by separate telco - that's the way VDSL is sold in the UK. It's a Huawei.
- Check ISP MTU requirements, Cable is usually 1500, DSL is around 1492 down to 1472. Call the ISP and ask. Link>Checking MTU Values
Not applicable to issue. Router works fine most of the time - it just seems ****e to crashing when IPv6 is enabled.
- For DSL/PPPoE connections on the router, ensure that "Always ON" option is enabled.
It's set. I also don't think that even with 'always on' disabled it should crash to the point where a power cycle is required
- If IPv6 is an option on the router, select Local Connection Only or Disable IPv6 options under Setup/IPv6.
Yeah. As I said in my original post - that appears to solve the problem. It's hardly a solution though - I bought the router because it supports IPv6. Supposedly.
Does the router work with out IPv6 enabled?
It works either way. It's just that after about 18 hours it crashes if IPv6 is enabled.
Does the router work with the Ad blocking SW disabled and IPv6 enabled? It seems it was working with IPv6 enabled before the Ad blocking SW was updated?
Huh? The adblocking software runs on the client computers. Why would that have any impact on the router? In any case the crash happened when the computer with new adblocking software wasn't running.
Ensure the ISP services are still supporting IPv6 protocols and those services are working correctly.
Yeah, they are fine. My ISP has supported IPv6 for a while now - one of the few in the UK to do so. And in any case - it isn't that IPv6 stops working. The router