In DGL-4300 you can select on which network MAC filtering will be used, wireless or wired (or even both, can't remember for sure), which is good, because I don't know now many users would ever need filter MAC on wired lan.
In 4500 there is no such option, it affects both LAN and WiFi. To make things even worse, there is a limit of 25 entries.
On my network I have 5 computers connected via wired lan (using 2 routers), 1 via WiFi and plus occasionally a few more PCs/phones via WiFi. Also each computer has virtual computers installed, these also have it's own MAC addresses, so that 25 entries limit filed up already.
But that wouldn't be so bad if 4500 would store the computer names along with MAC address! Unless computer is turned on, you can't tell which MAC address is belong to which computer!!!!!!
I've been waiting for this feature be fixed since v1.0...
Thank you.