Searched the board and the DIR-636 is the closest I could find!
First time router owner here. I have gone through the setup and typing in my I.D.s and passwords, but when it gets to "connecting to the internet" it fails. All the cord connections are secure and plugged in correctly, I've used the ethernet cord that came with the router, I've reset the router and started over, but end up with the same problem. This has been going on for two days.
All I want is to be able to use my new Kindle Fire.
I have an Actiontec GT701D modem, with dynamic routing & static routing capabilities
I.E. 9
Earthlink DSL
Windows 7
I'm not computer savvy but can follow instructions given in laymen's terms. I think I might have to do something about bridging the modem, but don't know how. Help!
Leslie, who's tired of staring at her blinking orange internet light.