I've tried looking around the forum for people with similar issues but I haven't found one quite close enough so hopefully someone can lend me a hand.
I've had my router for about a year or so, and I haven't had many problems with it to speak of before this. I recently had my motherboard burn out (last week), and had to get it replaced. After getting everything all set up again I'm still able to get online, but I've been having some connectivity issues over the last two days or so, I've been getting kicked offline for anywhere from one to ten minutes at a time at about thirty minute intervals. I wanted to see if it was a router problem so I put in my IP address and went to log in only to find my log in information wasn't working and the default (blank) wasn't either. So I manually reset the router to factory settings, but I still can't log in to the router settings. I hit "log in" and it goes to and just sits on a blank white page. It doesn't reload/refresh, and it doesn't present any error message. Honestly, now I just want to get back in so I can put my settings back in since the router has been reset but I can't even do that. I'll worry about the connectivity issue more once I have this sorted out.
Thanks for any help.