I'll post my settings in a few days. I'm using the latest firmware. For the problem u are experiencing can you try turning off DNS Relay and enter a local domain name. Something like dgl5500.local
Both of those settings are under Setup -> Network Settings
If that doesn't work then manually enter DNS settings under Setup -> Internet -> Manual Internet Connection Setup -> Primary/Secondary DNS
Just disabling the DNS relay and imputing a local domain name should resolve it. Also try connecting to the router through the and not dlinkrouter.local. Reboot the router/clients after these changes. Let me know how it goes.
Can you please post the settings your using?
What Firmware are you currently running?
I've been tinkering with my router all weekend and haven't had any improvement. perhaps your settings could help.
Also, now after restoring firmware & adjusting settings, know I have to restart the router EVERY morning because all my Wifi Devices don't connect to the internet. They all show connected to the router, but no internet access and I can not connect to the router through a web browser to reboot. I o pull the plug every morning.