Hello all,
I've bought this new camera and the 6010L one. After 3 days workarounds and working on them I can say that at least quite everything works... Especially for the 6010L model!
About the 6314 I'm not so pretty happy because of probably old firmware revision... that should need an upgrade solving the major problems present also on this forum.
Provide us a new firmware upgrade thanks!
About my specific problem, my camera does not show the streaming on the 80 port number on the stream "video1.mjpg" ... like also on the "video2.mjpg" and "video3.mjpg" streams...
In fact, putting the address:
after asking me the login (username and password) I always get the same error which is:
"500 Server Error
The server encountered an internal error and could not complete your request. "
I've tryed with all browser, changing video area and property... I really get stressed on all variety of try and workarounds I did.
Also by using VLC player I've got the same problem...
Please help me/us, I need that function!!
Looking forward to hearing from you.