Examined log. My FTP has been failing for a few days.
I could log into the camera, but got text only webpages.
I powered off/on and it's green again.
1st major gum up in a year.
2013-11-02 13:58:04 admin is streaming video.
2013-11-02 15:08:51 admin is streaming video.
2013-11-03 00:43:15 admin is streaming video.
2013-11-03 00:43:15 admin is streaming video.
2013-11-03 00:43:28 Video Clip 20131103_004315D.avi by Motion Detection to FTP is OK.
2013-11-03 00:44:25 Recording 20131103_004315D.avi by Motion Detection to SD Card is OK.
2013-11-03 00:44:51 admin is streaming video.
2013-11-03 09:14:10 admin is streaming video.
2013-11-03 09:14:10 admin is streaming video.
2013-11-03 13:59:49 Video Clip 20131103_135939.avi by Motion Detection to FTP is failed.
2013-11-03 14:00:00 Recording 20131103_135939.avi by Motion Detection to SD Card is OK.
2013-11-03 14:00:53 Recording 20131103_140000.avi by Motion Detection to SD Card is OK.
2013-11-03 14:21:56 admin is streaming video.
2013-11-03 16:39:41 Video Clip 20131103_163930.avi by Motion Detection to FTP is failed.
2013-11-03 16:40:41 Recording 20131103_163931.avi by Motion Detection to SD Card is OK.
2013-11-03 16:41:41 Video Clip 20131103_164131.avi by Motion Detection to FTP is failed.
2013-11-03 16:42:00 Recording 20131103_164131.avi by Motion Detection to SD Card is OK.
2013-11-03 16:42:45 Recording 20131103_164200.avi by Motion Detection to SD Card is OK.
2013-11-04 00:29:05 admin is streaming video.
2013-11-04 00:29:05 admin is streaming video.
2013-11-04 00:29:15 Video Clip 20131104_002905.avi by Motion Detection to FTP is failed.
2013-11-04 00:30:02 Recording 20131104_002905.avi by Motion Detection to SD Card is OK.
2013-11-04 00:30:16 Recording 20131104_003000.avi by Motion Detection to SD Card is OK.
2013-11-04 07:20:57 admin is streaming video.
2013-11-04 07:20:58 admin is streaming video.
2013-11-04 08:02:06 admin is streaming video.
2013-11-04 15:45:14 admin is streaming video.
2013-11-04 23:46:39 admin is streaming video.
2013-11-04 23:46:39 admin is streaming video.
2013-11-04 23:47:34 Video Clip 20131104_234723.avi by Motion Detection to FTP is failed.
2013-11-04 23:48:00 Recording 20131104_234724.avi by Motion Detection to SD Card is OK.
2013-11-04 23:48:39 Recording 20131104_234800.avi by Motion Detection to SD Card is OK.
2013-11-05 06:33:29 admin is streaming video.
2013-11-05 06:33:30 admin is streaming video.
2013-11-05 07:26:46 admin is streaming video.
2013-11-05 07:27:04 Video Clip 20131105_072653.avi by Motion Detection to FTP is failed.
2013-11-05 12:08:29 admin is streaming video.
2013-11-05 12:50:04 Video Clip 20131105_124950.avi by Motion Detection to FTP is failed.
2013-11-05 19:54:02 Synchronization with NTP server is OK.
2013-11-05 19:54:16 admin is streaming video.
2013-11-05 19:54:23 admin is streaming video.
2013-11-05 19:55:56 Video Clip 20131105_195545.avi by Motion Detection to FTP is OK.