Router information:
Model: DIR-615
Hardware Version: E3
Firmware Version: 5.13
Hello Sage Ones,
I am attempting to secure shell between two linux machines on a local network. I am able to ssh between the machines using their local IP addresses, but I am not able to ssh using the machine's host names. So for example:
Target host name: mytargethost
Target IP: (static)
Username: myusername
This works: ssh myusername@
This fails: ssh myusername@mytargethost
With error: "ssh: Could not resolve hostname mytargethost: Name or service not known"
For now, being able to ssh via IP is fine, but I am curious about why the host name fails. My guess is that there is a simple setting in the router's configuration that would solve this. I haven't been able to find a solution in the 615's GUI, however. I have tried to ssh with the "Enable DNS Relay" box checked and unchecked, to no avail. Any ideas?