I've had my 605L for a while now and have been rather pleased with it, using it myself it works a treat. I ran into some issues over the holidays with family over, while having Netflix going in another room via wireless it would direct all of the bandwidth to that essentially disconnecting my desktop.
I'm on 75MB Fiber, so I know it's not an issue with the connection. The modem shows solid and ping/speed tests come up perfectly fine. Even the remote micro PC connected to the wireless on the TV will stay connected and keep Netflix going.
Is their a way to fix this issue? Limit how much bandwidth is allocated to wireless, I went in the settings to change it but Setup > Wireless > Transmission Rate is locked to Best (Automatic) and has NO other settings to pick though. I also checked out Advanced > Traffic Control but don't really understand the options I am given. It seems more likely the place to make the changes as it says "distribute download bandwidth equally to the LAN/Wireless client", but I am unsure what changes to make to equal things out.
I find it very hard to believe this router can't shunt an equal amount of bandwidth to keep Netflix on my TV going and my Desktop connected and surfing at the same time right out of the box but I am not against a bit of tinkering.
Any help would be great, thanks!