Thank you for the update.
After 24hrs of use, I experienced the addressed subject of not-answering-to-commands.
I upgraded from 1.04 to 1.06.
Resetted the cam two times, repeated setup twice. Now it's a 10 minutes routine.
But. Then.
Using the d-link app for android, I searched for the device.
Got to the point where I had to enter the PIN-code...
I entered the P/N code from the label on the cam, at least 5 times. No chance.
The P/N No "ECS5010L....." uses big letters - I typed big letters, small letters,
took only one "." where the P/N No shows two ".." - no chance.
What's wrong?
Apart from that, I added the cam to a wlan by chosing the wlan from a list of shown wlans.
Entered its passwort, saved.... it takes 3 minutes, I see a green light, but
cannot even ping the camera, which has got a fix IP from the router.
Any ideas: welcome! Any questions: Feel free to ask.
Gercam from K-Town aka Kaiserslautern, Germany