I would have to say this is the worst Router I have ever encountered. I am a very heavy networking user and work in the IT field. At any give time I will have around 7 devices connected to this, some using WAN, some using LAN, and some using both. This router has been a disappointment from every angle. I have gone through every firmware upgrade, resets, setting tweaks and this still fails, and I am only talking about wireless connections. I can't even being to describe the wireless performance, basically to sum it up...unless I am 5 feet away from the router everything goes to hell.
Normally something like this would not anger me, but it was a $200 router. I feel like I spent $200 just to be angry. Dlink also obviously dosn't know how to fix it, they have proved that they cannot backup one of their "supposed" best routers. They should just stop trying and release the source for the firmware, DD-WRT will come in and fix everything. I believe it has already been confirmed that the DGL 4500 processor is supported by Linux.
Although, what really showed me how terrible this router was is the Linksys WRT54GS. Bought one for a friend for $35 shipped, flashed it with DD-WRT (20mins to 1hr of work, depending on user), and now it runs like a champion. It has between 2 and 5 wireless devices on it, 2 hard wired 360s, and 2 hard wired computers (one of them runs torrents and usenet 24/7 with bandwidth throttling) and it has had not so much as a hiccup. If you can do that with $35 dollars, why can Dlink do it with $200?
It is very inspiring that a lot of you can bite your tongue and keep hoping that the next firmware beta will be the unicorn we are all looking for, but the reality is that the older the router gets, the worse the support from Dlink is going to be. If anything the DGL-4500 is Xbox 360 of the router world (Xbox 360s have a 53% fail rate I believe).
To continue, my previous router before this was also a Dlink, and it experienced most, if not all the same problems as this one, but it was a budget router so I looked the other way.
To add to the problem, many websites rate this as an amazing router, which is half of the reason I was fooled into getting this. You have to troll around the internet until you find someone who actually "uses" their router to get any insight on the hidden problems. (By "using" I mean not just one guy on his Xbox using GameFuel)
I'm sorry to be so negative and I do not necessarily mean to bash on Dlink, but the fact of the matter still remains: I paid $200 for the best router, and I got a happy meal toy with Ethernet ports.
PS: I have heard reports of people being banned from these forums for "venting" their problems here. So please if you plan on removing this post, just keep in mind that I am a Customer and I paid for a product that was supposed to perform and it did not, thus I am angry.