Mydlink used to be able to send images via email,
now it only sends Dlink alerts.
looks like it might be a server configuration or driver issue with their technology
and/or software.
I had tried using gmail & settings & outlook & settings, it only sent email alerts
to forwarding email, but no video or no pics.
Am now using Contacam and using my Att IP Email Servers instead
Then setup MyDlink Network Camera through Contacam by setting up Network Camera,
found mydlink ip address by visiting mydlink maintenance setup page menu
it will show your (Dcs-model & ip address:
should shows as example:DCS- your model, & your ip address - example... 80 is the port or whatever might be for you
I setup Contacam with the parameters for motion detecion sensitivity at 50% ,
detection zones big,
store 2 secs of frames , store 6 secs of frames after detction,
detection enabled,
setup dates & times for detction,
setup my server settings /attachment = Gif + AVi
Connection email type for My ISP was SSL/TLS (Port 465)
other settings :
On Detection
x = Save Avi Avi Settings = Motion decttection & motion
jpeg 100%
x = save anim GIF & Gif + Avi
x send email ( atachment GIF + Avi
x- send aas Html E-mail
enter your email & pw & send to a dif email save,
click send email as test
if it works all is good.
This works perfect for me and won't send hundreds of pics as
it only sends pics just on movement detection
I also scheduled what times motion detection is enabled for days of week.
Contacam is free., I receive my pics on my mobile phone