Hello together!
On my DCS-932L I had some bad issues concerning noise and artifacts during night-mode with WLAN turned on. So I read a lot about fixing those errors in this forum and decided to try the method described in this thread
I also noticed that there are kinds of board layouts which differ from my 932L Rev. A1. In the thread mentioned above the two points to solder the 470 uF capacitor on are named differently, but the arrangement on my board seemed to be the same. So I soldered the capacitor on the downside of L6 (-, negative) and the upper side of C98 (+, positive). And I can remark: It works better as I expected it would (see pictures). Another user with the 930L Rev. A1 had no success with this method, but in my case it seems to have an effect on the picture at night. There are some of the white lines left and the picture seems a little less sharp than before, but in the end it works.
By the way, with exactly the same settings and mounting position, motion detection doesn't detect and record the noise lines as an event anymore. Before this was a huge problem, even with low sensitivity adjusted in the settings of the camera, it recorded lots of fail events by detecting the noise as a real movement.
The first picture (recorded a few days ago) shows the old status, the second shows the status after soldering the capacitor onto the board.
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B781NtxhLv_eeDI4czAtM24zd0k/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B781NtxhLv_eOHF1bXJCRGlxWDQ/view?usp=sharing