I am trying to get a Verizon Network Extender working but I believe that it's begin stopped by closed ports. I think I'm correct in saying that I need to use port forwarding to overcome this. I need:
123 UDP, 4500 UDP, 500 UDP, 53 TCP/UDP, and 52428 TCP/UDP
I went into Status in the admin of the router and found the Networke Extender's MAC address assigned to an IP address on my home network. Using this, I went to port forwarding and entered the port number under Public Port, chose the relevant TCP/UDP/Both, and found the computer in the dropdown. Then I saved, and everything disappeared. I was expecting to see them all listed (also did this if I checked the checkbox then saved), so assume these settings weren't saved and the ports are still closed.
Can soemone tell me what I'm doing wrong please? Thank you.