Hardware version A1, Firmware 1.04, Region USA
Cannot use virtual server as it only allows single ports, I have to use a range of ports from 9000-9900 TCP and UDP.
The virtual worlds development server uses regions that utilize various ports in the range of 9000-9900 depending on which region is being enabled, and the client viewer reads the info from the server to determine what port is being accessed, but not using http, but there is a test page that shows OOPS! in large letters for testing the loopback, by entering http://domainname:port, and if the loopback is successful, the OOPS!!! page is shown, meaning that if I can access the test page from inside the LAN using a WAN domain name, then others with the client viewer can access the server too, but if I can't, I don't know if anyone else can without literally calling everyone in the white pages and asking them if they have internet to download the client and test the connection.