Hi All,
I decided to upgrade the firmware to 1.12 (skipped 1.11 altogether).
I'm noticing now that my WRT-54G in the living room downstairs that has been mod with the latest DD-WRT running on bridge mode linked to the EVA-8000 is now having trouble connecting with the DIR-825.
Is there a way to boost signal strenght of the DIR-825? Before I upgraded, it was doing ok.
I was able to successfully link the DIR-825 and the EVA-8000 (bridged from a WRT-54G). However, the EVA is reporting a 1 Mbps speed to access video. Prior to the upgrade, it was reporting 6 Mbps. Is there some setting that I can change on the DIR-825 to give a better throughput. By the way, the video files being accessed are in a NAS connected via LAN directly to the 825.
Please help.