You may need to telnet to the DNS (e.g., via ffp) and set the global permission on the folder to at least read and write. Here's a sample command that gives you all permissions:
/mnt/HD_a2/ # mkdir shareFolderName
/mnt/HD_a2/ # ls -las shareFolderName
4 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Dec 9 15:54 shareFolderName
/mnt/HD_a2/ # chmod 777 shareFolderName
/mnt/HD_a2/ # ls -las shareFolderName
4 drwxrwxrwx 2 root root 4096 Dec 9 15:54 shareFolderName
/mnt/HD_a2/ #
The first 'd' represents that it is a directory. The next rwx represents read, write, execute for the user (root in this case). The middle rwx represents read, write, execute for the group (root in this case). And the last rwx represents read, write, execute for everyone else. Notice that when you first create a folder (in this example), the write permission for the group and everyone is missing.
This of course opens up the particular share to everyone, but it may at least get you around this particular hurdle so that you can do some additional testing.