I got my A2 replacement today and so far, things seem to be looking up. I have no wired issues at all and only have had one strange random reboot. I set all of my setting manually and it was tested with the .21 firmware before being shipped out to me. As the title states, one of my notebooks has an Intel 4965AGN wireless adapter. I still continue to have issues with the wireless on the DGL-4500 and this WNIC. I've tried various drivers and had the same result. I had that laptop in question with me yesterday on two different DGL-4300 networks, one of which I was connected through a DWL-2000AP. I didn't have a single issue with either of those. Does anyone else have a notebook with this particular WNIC in it that they could offer up a conparison with?
Before I write this router off as decent, I will be doing more testing. Some Mario Kar Wii later via onine play should help determine if the wireless of the DGL-4500 is working better than the last two. I will also purposely be doing a lot of network file transfers later to see if it can sustain consistant high traffic without locking up or rebooting. I'll also make sure I jump on XBOX Live later tonight as well to further put the router through some heavy external traffic.