Hi, my first question is how do ports work when enabling game fuel prioritization and how do I know which ports my computer uses or which ones to enable? For example is it ok to set my wireless computers to allow all ports open without running into problems with viruses. If some one can please clarify that. And can I set game-fuel for individual programs such as torrents and nzb's? Here is the link that I have been referring to
http://forums.dlink.com/index.php?topic=2296.0 which helped me set my xbox 360 but I am still not sure on how I should set up my other computers, and it looks like the person in the link does individual programs.Again any suggestion or links would be great and Is there a general port setting for a computer that surfs the web and watches videos.
My next question is if I set game rules what has more priortity, game fuel prioritization or the gaming rule or do they work together? Please note i am using 4500 firmware 1.15.
Thanks and please excuse my ignorance on the subject...