We want our DCS-2132L-SE to record to the SD card when it detects motion. We have been able to access the camera via the IP address and configure it, but can't find the correct settings to just record to the SD card.
In Setup, under Motion Detection, we have "Enable Video Motion" checked; "Enable PIR" is checked and High; Sensitivity is 100% and Percentage (whatever that is) is left at 5%.
In Event Setup we created an Event: "Enable this event" checked; Under Trigger: "Video motion detection" selected. Event Schedule is all days & Always; Action "Trigger D/O for 15 seconds" is checked. SD Status is "Ready" and shows three folders: Video, Picture and System Volume Information.
We get nothing / no files in any of the folders on the SD card
Anyone have any thoughts on whether or not we can configure this camera to do what we want - record to the SD card when motion is detected?