im using the DAP-2660 and want to run a second WLAN. The first one uses 2,4Ghz frequency and is configured in the "basic settings" of the AP.
Now i want to run a second SSID in the 5Ghz band. For that i enabled "Multi SSID" in "advanced settings" and selected another SSID Index. But when i am selecting the 5Ghz frequency the access point is changing the name and frequency of my first 2,4Ghz (primary SSID) to "dlink" and 5Ghz automatically. Also all settings in the "basic settings" area were changed to "dlink" and 5Ghz.
I always thought the access point can run a 2,4Ghz and 5Ghz network simultaneously (with different SSIDīs). Whats my faults?
Can anyone give me a step by step instruction for my problem?
best regards