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Author Topic: dns323 not mounting on mac (time capsule router), how to install on mac.  (Read 5577 times)


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I've been trying to get this to work all day and still no cigar, I sure hope someone here can help please!

Been playing with a dns 323 for some time. I got it to work with my mac book pro uni body(snow leopard), linksys wrt 310n router with out a problem for some time. I was running fw ver 1.6 on a 1 tb seagate drive.

Today I received a 1tb timecapsule, so I took out the Linksys and installed the TC and everything on that level was working fine.

But when I connected the DNS 323 to the TC I was unable to see it.
Tried the web emulator and I believe that it's not recognizing it correctly either.
Looked all over the forum and searched the threads but wasn't able to get the info I needed.

Both vendors were very unhelpful when I called to see what was going on also.

Please can anyone share any light into this problem.

Not trying to back it up, just would like to read it/ mount.

I'm not a 100% nub but I'm still working on understanding the ip/network stuff.

Thanks for any help on this.

« Last Edit: September 19, 2009, 10:36:37 PM by kuban111 »


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Re: dns323 not mounting on mac (time capsule router), how to install on mac.
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2009, 04:53:26 AM »

as I understand you replaced the previous router with a timecapsule and now you cant see the DNS323 anymore.
Well most probably the Timecapsule uses a other IP address range for dhcp as the previous router and you configured your DNS323 with static IP from the old one.

In this case use easy search utility (if it works) and correct the ip settings to the new one.

If this doesn't work connect the old router again and see which ip settings the router has and apply them to the timecapsule as well.



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Re: dns323 not mounting on mac (time capsule router), how to install on mac.
« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2009, 02:29:00 PM »

Hi all,

Just wanted to follow up from my last post.


Thanks for your help you hit it on the head.

After I cooled down and stepped away from the computer. I remember that I did have a static ip address set.
I went back to the old router and yelp there it was. Once I took it off and went back to my new set up the TC recognized the share drive with no problems.

But b/c I took of the static ip address I can't seem to log into the DNS program. It's not important at this moment but would like to update the FW when 1.8 get’s out of beta.

When I log in with my password I get a “this is only for admin" type of msg. I am logged in to my MBP as the admin, so I don't know what gives?

My new question if someone can please help me is:

Should I set a static ip address again for the dns 323 like I had previously, is there a need?

Reason being I was not very happy with my older Linksys N router and that was one of the main reasons why I went with the TC.
I use to have problems on and off with my ATV running Boxee and not able to find the DNS drive until I gave it a static ip address then all was heaven.
No problems finding my media folders/ streaming est. est.


« Last Edit: September 22, 2009, 02:42:58 PM by kuban111 »


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Re: dns323 not mounting on mac (time capsule router), how to install on mac.
« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2009, 02:46:55 PM »

Here's my take;
There's a raindance you need to do to make Timemachine see the external Network drive.

Best documentation I've found is as follows;

  • In System Preferences, turn Time Machine off.
    Find the MAC address of the machine’s internal Ethernet port:
    $ ifconfig en0 | grep ether
    This should produce a single line of output, such as:
    ether 00:16:cb:af:91:d7
    Even if the network backups will be done using a different port (e.g. AirPort: usually “en1″) the system will use the address of en0 as part of the system identifier.
    In this case the identifier that Time Machine will use is “magpie_0016cbaf91d7″.
    Make a new “sparsebundle” on a local disk (NOT the Time Machine disk!). This sparsebundle is a virtual filesystem image which we’ll copy to the NAS, and Time Machine will then access it remotely (that way Time Machine’s not limited by the filesystem features of whatever NAS it’s using: all the funky stuff happens within the sparsebundle). By default sparsebundles can keep growing until they fill up the NAS, but in this scenario we keep other things on the NAS as well as backups, and we’re going to limit the sparsebundle size to 140 GB. We called this one “Backup of magpie” as that’s the default name created by Time Machine, but in fact you can call the volume anything you like.
    $ hdiutil create -size 140g -fs HFS+J -volname "Backup of magpie" magpie_0016cbaf91d7.sparsebundle
    created: /Users/david/magpie_0016cbaf91d7.sparsebundle $
    This Mac Mini hasn’t had things like developer tools loaded: hdiutil comes with the OS. We make the sparsebundle manually so we can impose the size limit, and we do it on a local disk because of a bug that prevents creation of a sparsebundle remotely on the NAS (although they can be used when in place). The sparsebundle doesn’t start at 140 GB: it grows as more data is put in the filesystem inside it, up to a maximum of 140 GB.
    If you’re not going to copy the contents of an existing Time Machine disk, skip ahead to step 9.
    Mount the sparsebundle:
    $ open magpie_0016cbaf91d7.sparsebundle
    You’ll see “Backup of magpie” appear as a mounted volume in Finder.
    Copy the old Time Machine backups to the sparsebundle. In Disk Utility:
    Click on Time Machine disk on the left panel, then select the “Restore” tab:
    Drag the local Time Machine volume to the Source field
    Drag the sparsebundle volume (”Backup of magpie”) to the Destination field
    Select “Erase destination” (possibly not mandatory)
    This will take a while, depending on how much data is on the drive…
    If you selected “Erase destination” in Disk Utility, the volume name will have been copied from the local Time Machine disk. Rename the new volume back to “Backup of magpie” (or whatever name you chose).
    Unmount (”eject”) the sparsebundle volume.
    Mount the NAS share the sparsebundle will be mounted on (”TMmagpie” in this case). I mount all our shares via AFP, but you can presumably use CIFS also. Once it’s mounted, it will be accessible within Terminal.app as /Volumes/TMmagpie.
    Copy the sparsebundle to the share:
    $ rsync -avE /Users/david/magpie_0016cbaf91d7.sparsebundle /Volumes/TMmagpie/.
    Depending on your network (802.11g, 802.11n, 100bT, 1000bT, etc) this can take a long time!
    rsync is smart enough to only copy the new bits of a file, so you can stop and re-run that command if necessary without re-copying everything.
    In the meantime you can go ahead and use the machine. Just don’t turn Time Machine backups back on yet.
    If the local copy of the sparsebundle is in an area that will be backed up by Time Machine, remove it before proceeding. We don’t want to double the size of the Time Machine backup for no good reason!
    In the Time Machine System Preferences panel, select “Change Disk…”. It will display a list of volumes you can backup to. If the share containing the sparsebundle isn’t listed (you did mount it, right?) it’s probably because it’s not mounted from a Time Capsule or another OS X machine. To show the share in this display you’ll need to have executed the following command in Terminal:
    $ defaults write com.apple.systempreferences TMShowUnsupportedNetworkVolumes 1
    You’ll need to log out and in again for this to have effect (select “Log Out” from the Apple menu: you can Restart, but logging out will do). Now mount TMmagie again, then try Time Machine’s “Change Disk…” again.
    Select the share on the NAS (”TMmagpie”) as the new destination for Time Machine backups.
    Time Machine will automatically turn itself back on and schedule a backup to begin in two minutes. If you didn’t populate the sparsebundle with the contents of a local disk, this first backup will be a full backup and can take a very long time (depending on things like your network infrastructure). If you did pre-populate the sparsebundle, this backup will be an incremental backup and shouldn’t take long at all (depending on how much has changed on the machine since you turned Time Machine off in Step 1 of course). Once the backup has started, keep going with the remaining steps in this list while the backup is running.
    You can now eject the TMmagpie share. Time Machine will automatically mount the sparsebundle file directly (during backups you’ll see “Backup of magpie” mounted).
    Unfortunately Spotlight will try to index the contents on the “Backup of magpie” share, which will slow down the backups significantly. To avoid this, as soon as the share is mounted for the first time go to Spotlight’s Privacy panel in System Preferences. Use the ‘+’ button at the bottom, select the “Backup of magpie” share, and Spotlight will then ignore it. If Spotlight has already started indexing it, it should immediately stop and the backup will speed up.