I'm not sure what you mean by hardwire. Hardwire to what? If you run a long line to where you want more coverage and connect the 1522 and use it as a 2nd access point then yes it would work.
I am extending a network with the 1522 by using it as a bridge to the primary router and attaching a 2nd wifi router to it. I chose the 1522 over a repeater because I can use it in more ways in the future, but I have a 2nd router already.
A range extender would connect to the primary router wirelessly and retransmit it for greater range. It wouldn't need an additional router.
If the distance isn't too far a higher gain antenna might do the trick without a range extender if your router has replaceable antennas. People seem to have mixed results with antennas due to obstacles between the router and computer you want to connect with.
Google "wifi range extender' and you should be able to find several.
FWIW, I am bridging to a router over 100 feet away and the 2nd router serves a 2nd building.
Once the 2nd building has a wired internet connection the 1522 will be used to bridge several other devices.