Dear Support Team,
I just install the newest firmware for my DNS-343 that I have been waiting 8 months for to correct issues. I was reviewing upgrades when I couldn’t help but notice that someone on your team not only can’t spell correctly, but testing teams let it pass without a flag. Please review your software for more issues and issue a correction to this problem, sooner than 8 months. I can only wonder what the coding looks like. I have highlighted the problems for your reading pleasure.
Firmware 1.03 Model DNS-343
Helpful Hints..
Performing a S.M.A.R.T test will scan the DNS-343 hard drives for errors. After complietion, the system will display the results of the test as either Pass or Fail. In addition, you can obtain the current S.M.A.R.T information stored on the hard drives.
Scan disk will also scan your system's file system for errors. After completion, any errors on your drive, will be displayed accorbingly.
Best Regards,
Peter Gonzalez