On one of my 2 1Gb drives, I have a folder which contains other folders. I cannot delete it (nore the sub ones), either with Windows (it does nothing) or linux (Input/Output Error).
Except this problem, the drive seems to work fine. The other drive works fine too.
Do you know what is the problem ? Do I have to reformat this drive (and how if so) ?
Sorry, I don't have an answer to your question. But I have the same problem. I have the snapshot.sh app doing the rsync thing from one drive to another, and as that second drive filled up, I've tried deleting some of the older backups (found another shell-script that I run), and I'm getting that same error. What happens is there is a complaint about a folder not being empty. When I try to do the common things like "rm -rf", etc, it won't run. When I go to the offending folders, I can't do the "ls", as I get the same result as you.
Running the beta 1.08 firmware, and the latest funplug, with all the updates I believe available for the applications I have loaded on my dns 323.
I'm able to delete a lot of the older backups, just some give me that complaint.
Hope to see someone with more brains and talents than myself who can provide an answer for us.