I'm pretty sure we did everything except the auto on the AP. In his case, he was allowing mixed WPA/WPA2 to allow backwards compatibility for an older laptop. I see your point though, I did not have him confirm that he was indeed using WPA-2 on the DAP, and if he is using WPA he would likely be using TKIP cipher (at least that's what I understand from my own router's configuration). It's curious that this would pose a problem, but my specialty is not in wireless. Also, I'm not sure he's restarting the DAP between changes.
Thanks for the quick response! I'll get with him tomorrow and we'll go through these steps and see if we can't get it.
I wish he were using a real router/AP instead of the all-in-one DSL modem that's like 4yrs old (some no-name brand too). In order to child-proof" it, they like to use strange names for things. When I tell him to disable SSID broadcast he says "Oh, you mean enter protected mode?". Etc., etc., etc.