I had to move some files around to other drives so that I could defragment the drive from which I was streaming the AAC audio files. The disk was very fragmented but unfortunately defragging it made no difference.
I have not run a benchmark yet but I don't think the performance of the drive in my XP machine, or the machine itself could be a problem. The reason I say that I say that is because using a 1Gbps wired Ethernet instead of the wireless it works fine. No audio glitches, no TCP Retransmission events.
Also, a while back I did a test, transferring a large file over the wireless n connection, I used my stop watch to time it:
File size: 3,171,522,212 bytes
Time it took to copy the file from my windows share (cp windows_share/big_file . ) was 908 seconds
This equates to 3,171,522,212/908 = 3.49 Mbytes per second
Next, I copied over the same file but using the wired 1Gbps Ethernet connection:
Time taken to transfer file: 190 seconds
This equates to 3,171,422,212/190 = 16.7 Mbytes per second
Since I am only trying to stream AAC audio, the 3.49 Mbytes per second should be more than adequate, so I don't think that the performance of my XP machine or the hard drive in it is the problem