I am sorry you don't like the PDFs, I wish you the best of luck in the future.
Also while discussing configuration resources the FAQs on http://support.dlink.com tend to be a little easier to follow if the PDFs are a little too abstract or not verbose enough for you.
If you are having the opposite problem and need to know the technical aspects of ANY given command the manual and CLI manual are VERY VERY specific. This is why they would use a solid ream of paper if printed (I know I have a copy of them that was printed).
If we still aren't addressing your documentation needs then drop a line in the thread stickied at the top of this board asking for documentation requests. The people who write the FAQs for this product do check that board, though given the complete lack of interest from customers, they may give it up.
As for this specific issue, the problem tends to be that people don't consider rule order, which is why my script made the HTTP ALG rule the first one.