The DGL-4500 (A1) was great wired no matter what firmware I was running...probably the best router I have ever used wired. It screamed. No lag or anything. My problem was the wireless. When I was running N mode only it seemed to be alright. It would run for a while, but on occasion it would get extremely slow...then pick back up. My problem was that I have a psp, wii, and laptop that use different types of wireless, so N only wasn't an option. It' a good temporary fix, but I grew impatient. I only set the wireless security up and turned a few features off or on from the feedback I read in these forums. If I would've found these forums first I would've never bought the DGL-4500...I would've did more research and stuck with my DIR-655 (HW: A2, FW: 1.11MS) that was rock solid for 2+ years. This was an amazing router and I recently had my step-mom buy a DIR-825 A1 (again before I found these forums) and I am thinking of trading it for a DIR-655 since the newest firmware on the DIR-655 seems to have fixed everyones problems. Thanks for everyones help and I'll let you which router I decide to buy. It's probably going to be the Netgear WNDR3700, but I could go back to the DIR-655. I'd have to find a A2 before I would make that adventure though.