Gunnrunner. 1.07 is hardly an update, chAnglog hitatchi drive support...
Fordam we have had this discussion before
I want the unit to do as advertised, nothing more than that, or change your advertising
I bought it to work with my ps3 and am for Ed to use ps3 media server as it is far superior to. Thedns323
for file server abity
the dns works great as a fill extention but that is not the only thi g it is put out there to do
we should get updates to firmware everymonth for items that don't work properly that are supposed to
updates for additional features are nice but seriously just get this thing working the way it is supposed to work
firmware updates recommend you backup and for
at the drives so thAt the full effect of the upgrade is installed
it is foolish to install beta drivers on core backup data
Out of curiosity - why do you equate the lack of "significant firmware upgrade(s)" with "post sale support".
For the sake of discussion - let's say a firm were to introduce a NAS, with a well developed stable, bugfree operating system (assuming such a thing were possible), why should they offer any "upgrade" whatsoever?
For the sake of discussion - let's say a firm were to introduce a NAS, with a well developed stable, reasonably bugfree operating system (assuming such a thing were possible), they might offer firmware updates to correct any bugs that were discovered, but why should they offer any firmware "upgrade" whatsoever?
When you bought the DNS-323, you knew what features D-Link advertised it as having, what makes you think you are entitled to more?
Now - to discuss post sale support - for the most part I've had very few reasons to contact D-Link's tech support team, and on those few occasions it has been done by email, and I find them courteous and responsive and if I might say so, a lot more prompt than those of their competitors whom I have had the need to contact. In fact, the only network equipment manufacturer who has been more prompt & helpful than D-Link has been Cisco (and I don't mean Linksys by Cisco).
Mind you - I'm not giving D-Link a clear pass here - this thing still has bugs that I think should have been fixed years ago - but - my point is, you're not entitled to upgrades, and post sale support is in no way linked to said upgrades.