Well I upgraded the firmware and we are making progress.
Here is my latest test log
Test log
Status: Resolving address of thewalkersinhawaii.selfip.com
Status: Connecting to
Status: Connected, waiting for welcome message
Reply: 220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [TLS] ----------
Reply: 220-You are user number 1 of 10 allowed.
Reply: 220-Local time is now 07:53. Server port: 24147.
Reply: 220-This server supports FXP transfers
Reply: 220 You will be disconnected after 2 minutes of inactivity.
Status: CLNT http://ftptest.net on behalf of 75.95.xx.xxx
Reply: 530 You aren't logged in
Status: USER anonymous
Reply: 230 Anonymous user logged in
Status: FEAT
Reply: 211-Extensions supported:
Reply: EPRT
Reply: IDLE
Reply: MDTM
Reply: SIZE
Reply: MLST type*;size*;sizd*;modify*;UNIX.mode*;UNIX.uid*;UNIX.gid*;unique*;
Reply: MLSD
Reply: ESTP
Reply: PASV
Reply: EPSV
Error: Carriage return without line feed received
From FileZilla I get this whole thing and this is the exact same settings as the other log:
Response: 220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [TLS] ----------
Response: 220-You are user number 1 of 10 allowed.
Response: 220-Local time is now 07:49. Server port: 24147.
Response: 220-This server supports FXP transfers
Response: 220 You will be disconnected after 2 minutes of inactivity.
Command: USER testing
Response: 331 User testing OK. Password required
Command: PASS ********
Response: 230 OK. Current restricted directory is /
Status: Connected
Status: Retrieving directory listing...
Command: PWD
Response: 257 "/" is your current location
Command: TYPE I
Response: 200 TYPE is now 8-bit binary
Command: PORT 98,155,166,161,94,93
Response: 200 PORT command successful
Command: MLSD
Error: Connection timed out
Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing
As far as I can tell, and if I were an expert this whole deal would probably be working already, i am getting to the server and then for some reason it will not give me the directory listing? Is that about right?
FTP is the bane of my existence