Hello everyone,
I don't know if any of you is still watching this thread, but I had a question for any of you that was able to repartition/reformat the drives for the 4K alignement issue.
First of all, thanks a lot to dcmwai for his step by step procedure and also to maxbis who was kind enough to post corrections to dcmwai's guide. I followed these steps, had a bit of problems at the begining, but in the end, I managed to partition and format my disks properly (well I think). After synching completed, I ran some last checks (as suggested by dcmwai), I was able to start/stop the raid array properly and I rebooted the device.
The smb share is up, I can read/write stuff on it. However, when I start dlink's web page, it asks me to configure my drivers (raid type, format, etc...). If I click skip, most of the settings are available, under Tools -> Raid, it says:
Current RAID Type :
Volume_1 : RAID 1 (Degraded)
And I have a button "Set RAID Type and Re-Format"
Under Tools -> Disk Tools, I can't use the Scan Disk feature.
Anyone experienced the same thing? Any suggestion? Could it be related to the fact that the guid of my raid changed (i.e., could linksys's software refer to that guid?)