i am using the following to umount ALL partitions and run e2fsck,
i hope if works for you to run fdisk
i believe you best bet is to
- use the GUI to create raid volumes
* setup telnet (follow the link)
* smb stop
* nfs stop
* umount (ALL partitions)
* swapoff (ALL partitions)
- use fdisk to delete and create partition 1(swap) and 2(data), for all your disks
(you can probably leave 4 alone as it's small and contains some admin data)
- please post your success story!
Note: i used the steps marked * before running e2fsck
# Minimal fun_plug, only enables telnet
# Requires: /mnt/HD_a2/starttelnet.sh
# /mnt/HD_a2/lnx_bin/busybox3
# /mnt/HD_a2/lnx_bin/utelnetd
# Uncomment next line if you want "proof of concept".
# A filem dmesg.out will be located on \\NAS\HDD_1 or
# \\NAS\Volume_1 depending on firmware version.
# dmesg > /mnt/HD_a2/dmesg.out
# Start the telnet deamon
# improved starttelnet.sh, enabling the filesystems to be unmounted and checked, if need be.
# copy the provided components to a directory on the ramdisk
# the ramdisk is regenerated with every boot, so the copy has no lasting effects at all
# simply copy the two files over
cp /mnt/HD_a2/lnx_bin/utelnetd /sbin/utelnetd
cp /mnt/HD_a2/lnx_bin/busybox3 /bin/busybox3
# create the terminal device as usual
/bin/busybox3 mknod /dev/ptyp0 c 2 0
/bin/busybox3 chmod 0666 /dev/ptyp0
/bin/busybox3 mknod /dev/ttyp0 c 3 0
/bin/busybox3 chmod 0666 /dev/ttyp0
# make a shell link on the ramdisk
mkdir /bin/busybox3.dir/
ln -s /bin/busybox3 /bin/busybox3.dir/sh
# and start the Telnet service from the ramdisk as well
/sbin/utelnetd -l /bin/busybox3.dir/sh -d
Ok, so assuming I am willing to go through the work to move the sectors to the proper bounderies. Is it possible to do this and end up with a raid 1 configuration?
you would need this also, because the original fdisk gives segmentation fault
modify starttelnet.sh to also copy this to /tmp