Hi, this is my first post here so I apologize if its missing anything.
I purchased the DGL 4500 a couple of weeks ago from newegg and have had problems ever since I've installed it. At first, it was just basic problems, that I admit, were my error in setup. These were resolved relatively quickly and soon I had everything working around my house with no problems, with one exception, my 360. For some reason, despite my own, Dlink's , Comcast's, and Microsoft's troubleshooting I could not get the 360 to connect to live. The troubleshooting has been long arduous, and honestly, I blame no one, nor am I angry- I just wish for everything to work. Anyways, here is a summary of all my troubleshooting and info below
-DGL 4500 Router 1.21NA FW (I updated my first router to the most recent, and still had the same problem)
-Comcast Cable Modem (Says RCA, but unsure of exact model)
-Two desktop computers connecting directly to the router via ethernet
-A wireless network with 4 computers connecting, WPA encryption
-An ethernet cable that runs under the floor to a ethernet port hub. This hub has four ports on it, slot 1 has the ethernet cable from the router plugged into it, slot 2 has an ethernet cable that runs to nothing, and slot 3 has an ethernet cable running from the hub to my 360.
The Problem
I get an error when trying to run the network test on xbox live, something like-
can connect to the internet, but not not xbox live. Your router or ISP may be blocking ports *info on how to open ports*
This is after it spending almost no time establishing a network and internet connection, and a crazy amount of time on the internet->xbox portion. I get a small green bar afer 30 seconds or so, and like 2 minutes later an error.
The Process
Everything works perfectly fine with my previous WRT54GS router, no problems whatsoever.
0. Got router
1. Got everything to work with all my computers
2. Plugged in 360
3. Could not connect, all settings at automatic, received error described above
4. At above point the correct ports were forwarded as well as upnp being enabled
4. Decided to try it on DMZ, still did not work
5. googled a bit, found this forum, read and followed the recommended game setup by FurryNutz
6. Attempted to try again, at no avail
7. Messed with random settings, still could not find what was wrong
8. Upgraded firmware to 1.22NA, started from scratch but still did not work
9. This time around DMZ worked, however, it did what I described below in "other bits of strange info"
10. Called dlink tech support who took me through basic steps once again, none worked of course
11. Referred me to higher level tech support, who tried basic steps once again
12. After many, many calls with many, many different people, the tech basically told me "this cannot be a router problem, ports are forwarded correctly, call xbox
13. Decided to humor Dlink support even though the xbox worked with my previous router
14. Followed arduous and redundant tasks of 360 support to obviously no triumph
15. They said it was Comcast's problem as I could not connect my 360 directly to my modem
16. Comcast said all they could do was a reset on the modem, it was working fine (honestly, i don't know much about the modem. I probably did something wrong and could get it to connect to the 360 just fine if i wanted to take the time. I don't really see a point considering it worked with my last router)
17. Called dlink to show them it was a router problem, said it was defective and told me to RMA
18. RMA'd
19. Received new router today
20. Decided to set up router literally exactly as shown on the quick start guide
21. Got all computers working and connecting within 10 minutes
22. Connected 360 (without any ports forwarded) and same problem
23. Forwarded ports, same problem
24. DMZd, same problem
25. Set things according to guide, same problem
26. Posted a desperate cry for help here
Not a modem problem because the 360 worked with my previous router
Not a 360 problem because I followed the support and it worked with my previous router
Not a hardware problem because my replacement didn't work as well
Not a configuration problem unless i consistently misread the multiple guides I read
So basically... WTF
Help please?
Other Bits of Strange info
-I sometimes have been randomly able to connect for a brief moment. However, on these times (its happened 3 times), I have changed nothing. And it still takes forever to connect. Once I have connected, if i change anything it no longer works, even if i change it to previous settings
-Sometimes i get an MTU error randomly that goes away after a minute. This usually occurs if I reboot my router and do a test too quickly
-After putting my old router back up everything worked fine. However, I changed some port, dmz, and qos settings, and suddenly I received the "cant connect to xbox live error." However, after changing some setting, it worked, and even after changing it back it still worked.
-My xbox will not connect to the internet when plugged directly into the modem, it doesn't get assigned an IP address. However, my xbox also worked with my previous router, so I see no reason for the modem to be an issue.