When the router restarts I can't get back on the internet on this pc, but on other pc's they can get on fine. This pc requires a restart for some reason and then I can access the internet again; which is wierd.
Im not too sure whats causing the random restarts, its possible that it does have something to do with the dns relay, but Ive had restarts with it turned off also. It does seem to go for longer when turned off though however.
As of now, I have absolutely no idea whats causing the restarts, Ive played around with lots of settings, and none seem to change anything. I jump onto many ideas, and right now Im questioning wether wireless is causing the restarts, Ill try turning both wireless's off, and see if that helps.
Im pretty sure we have to have another firmware update, I don't think us playing around for the perfect setting is going to work when its the software thats driving the router.