I think that some of you are taking my examples to literally. I do no video nor do I do any audio. But just because I do not does that make any problems others have with it not valid? NO. I think that D-Link has a responsibility to their customers that buy their products to make their firmware work. And, when problems show up to fix them as quick as they can. Does anyone think that one year is quickly?
As for FTP over SSL I did check to see if it was advertised. When I checked the firmware it said that it was added to the firmware in one of the releases. To me that makes it an advertised function of the unit and should work correctly. Anytime anything extra is added in a firmware upgrade it, as far as I am concerned, becomes an advertised function of the unit.
Sure the backup of the drive to a usb drive was not advertised but D-Link says that you should not rely on your DNS-323 to be your backup and I agree with that. But does D-Link provide us any way to backup the unit? No. From what I have seen from some of the posts it can be done through ffp so why can't D-Link do it for us? Other manufacturers with this price unit does provide USB backup. As for the built-in backup for backing up computers to the DNS-323 is a advertised feature and it DOES NOT work.
Some have said that it is a old unit and new features do not need to be added but the last time I checked D-Link is still selling it. Therefore, it is not a old unit it is a CURRENT unit and as such it should have current and fully functioning firmware without a list of known bugs.
As for the WD 4K hard drive problem I am afraid that I would have fell into the same pitfall as others. The DNS-323 is advertised to handle a 2TB hard drive, by firmware upgrade, and I would have purchased the WD drives and had the same problem.
Who fault it is it does not matter if they cannot handle ALL the 2TB hard drives than they should not advertise any of them. If a customer wants to come to this forum and discover that they can use some manufacturers then that is their option. In my lifetime I have purchased a lot of computer equipment and I have went to manufacturers website to check it out but I have NEVER went to a forum to find a list of approved equipment. I don't think that most of you would either unless you have been burned.
I think that D-Link has let us down and is continuing to do so. I feel sorry for the individual who decides that he wants a NAS. He then goes to a retailer buys a DNS-323 version C1 with 2- WD 2TB hard drives with 4k. Now how much fun is he going to have with his $500 purchase.
Wake up D-Link before it is to late.