I went through and read the thread real quick, be sure to check the questions at the end, here are my comments:
>>I run the PS3 Network test and I get 2-3 Mbps download and maybe 1Mbps upload. This isnt even close to the 20-25 I should be getting.<<
PSN Speedtest thing is BS. Even Sony admits it. Unless you get a error message when it runs, ignore it.
>>But there is a hack going around that lets you downgrade firmware I can't get into details with that sine that is against Policy. But yet again Google is your best friend. Have a great day.<<
I doabt its the firmware. The majority of actual pro's and con's of different firmware are slight. Most are imagined or assumed based on a lack of actual testing.
>>I took the PS3 out of the DMZ and im not getting blocked outgoing ICMP anymore but I am getting alot of blocked incoming TCP and UDP from various IPs to my WAN IP<<
Most likly those blocked packets are just worms and different servers randomling pinging you. Do they seem to happen at one time? Do you see them being block being directed towards the PC? Also, if it happens when your trying to play a game, its probably a issue with your port fowarding. If your comfortable, PM me your logs.
>>If I remember Adv DNS is not an option for earlier versions of FW.<<
Advanced DNS is just configuring the DNS of the router to direct to OpenDNS use a static DNS of and OpenDNS is not a magic bullet though. If your ISP has crappy DNS servers, it can help. Also, it can help with security, since it blacklists a bunch of bad sites/IP. D-link bought OpenDNS a year or two ago, and their actually hosting many ISP's DNS redirect search engines...but I digress..For more info: https://store.opendns.com/get/basic
>>next I am going to try Dynamic fragmentation on and off.<<
Keep dynamic fragmentation off. Only turn that on if your Upload cap is below...500Kbps.
1. Does your PC have issues when your PS3 is online? Slow internet?
2. What is your actual symtom? All games? At all times?
3. Is there ever a time where it works really well?