I think being in the DMZ might be the problem, it seems like gamefuel is the issue because it seems like I only experience bad lag in game when my roommates are browsing and watching videos online. So if I can get gamefuel to work and have my PS3 connection remain stronger while my roommates are online then It should be all good. I might also look into limiting my roommates bandwidth or whatever the correct terminology is, so I can hog it all. lol
I will download team viewer tonight and we can give that a go.
I would really like to get this connection problem fixed before I throw my PS3 remote through my TV screen, I cant stand playing Battlefield and not being able to hit ANYONE and I'm not one to rage quit so I just swear alot threaten to throw my controller haha.
What are ICMP packets and why is the router blocking them? It says they are going from my PS3 to the primary DNS.