Ok, So I have Telnet and SSH running, and I have finally trouble shooted through what was causing my FTP to not work, so thats up now.
My next goal is to change my FTP permissions like I did with SSH. When I use the DNS-321 firmware, I apparently can only give a user 1 folder access... I have 6 main folders, I want to give 1 user access to only 3 of the 6... apparently something so easy cannot be done on the firmware, I have only limit a user to 1 folder and thats it.
So, how do I go about setting up FTP permissions like SSH? I apparently have Pure-FTPd, because I can log into it, but once I log in, I can't do anything... and in the ffp folder, I cannot find anything (including config files) which relate to Pure-FTPd... Do I use SSH to designate FTP access, or do I use Pure-FTPd, and if so, how? Can someone please shed some light?
Thank you.