What happens is I type in my email address, it looks at the domain, and searches for their pop and smtp servers from some database. My ISP does have a IMAP server, but its used for buisness clients, so my username doesn't have access. Thunderbird doesn't care though, it sees IMAP and goes..oh..thats better, I am going to force him to use it. And once the account is set for IMAP, there is no way to change it. So you have to delete the account and try to stop the autoconfig before it can complete incoming server detection. That litterly occurs in my case in about 1/8th of a second, so I can't stop it in time. So what I have to end up doing is entering in a fake email address (and by the 5th and 6th trying, I was coming up with some colorful email addresses) so the autoconfig can't auto detect. What this does though is makes them test the incoming server via that email instead of testing with the username. And since it can't confirm it works, it won't allow you to save the settings. I think my only choice is going to be setting up the account in offline mode. But this is 10x more complicated then just entering in the settings, and something I could never walk someone over the phone with. So, it ends up being that I will never recommend Thunderbird as a email client. Tis sad too, since its a easy out for those that don't know where to DL the Windows Live Mail program.