First off, thanks to tentimes for this guide and others on the web who have written things about the DNS-323 family. This post culls from all of you.
In my case, I only had a single, 2TB WD EARS drive that I wanted formatted correctly. I also had a 2GB USB thumb drive and wanted to use it while re-formatting the EARS drive but haven't found a way to get the 323 to boot from that drive. So here is what I did to get to the point where i was running from the USB drive.
Follow tentimes' procedure so that you can telnet or ssh to your 232 and that you have the new fdisk installed.
Create a .bootstrap directory in /mnt/HD_a2
# cd /mnt/HD_a2
# mkdir -p .bootstrap
Download the USB kernel module from and put it into the .bootstrap directory.
Install the USB kernel module so that you can get to the USB drive.
# insmod .bootstrap/usb-storage.ko
(You will have to wait about 20 seconds for things to settle down.)
If the USB drive is not already partitioned and formatted, you will need to do that.
# fdisk /dev/sdb
p [for primary partition]
1 [in response to choose partition]
1 [when asked for first cylinder]
[Press enter to accept the default value = last cylinder available]
w [write and exit]
# mke2fs /dev/sdb1
Now, mount the USB drive.
# mkdir /mnt/HD_b1
# mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/HD_b1
In the .bootstrap directory, add the following script.
Make sure that it is formatted with just linefeeds and not carriage return and linefeed.#!/bin/sh
# Script to mount a USB drive and change the FFP_PATH to it.
# USB mounting location
# Make mount point for USB drive
mkdir $USB_MNT
# Mount the USB drive
insmod /mnt/HD_a2/.bootstrap/usb-storage.ko
sleep 20
mount /dev/sdb1 $USB_MNT
# Change location of FFP to mounted USB drive
Finally, make the script executable and make a duplicate of HD_a2 in HD_b1
# chmod a+x .bootstrap/
# tar -cf - . | ( cd /mnt/HD_b1; tar -xf -)
When you reboot your 232, you will have your 2TB drive mounted at /mnt/HD_a2 and /mnt/HD_a4 with a swap from /dev/sda1 and your USB drive will be at /mnt/HD_b1. Telnet or ssh into the 232 and follow tentimes' procedure for unmounting and reformatting the entire /dev/sda disk. It will be just like the two disk case except that you will be working with /dev/sda, so
be careful to partiion and format the correct drive!NOTE: You have to add the swap space (swapon /dev/sda1) on the 2TB drive before you can use mke2fs to make the large filesystem. If you don't, it runs out of memory space.