I currently have two DNS-323s: one is used exclusively as a media server, and the other holds all of my data. My data-323 is configured with two separate volumes and I synchronize them weekly using SyncBack Pro, and once a month I sync these drives to an external. I thought this was a reasonable way to keep my data secure, however I noticed today that files have been disappearing from Volume_2 of my data-323:
I noticed that the remaining space on the two drives in my data-323 were different, so I ran a sync to find that 500 or so files had been deleted from volume_2 (weird). So Syncback copied the files in question back to where they belonged, and I rand a SECOND sync immediately after, to find a second 500 or so files had been deleted from volume_2. I did several scans of the drives using different AV scanners- nothing. I ran the dlink checkdisk utility on them both- nothing.
It is also important to know that the missing files do not reside in the same parent folder, nor are any of them executables. Im consistently missing a few photos, a few mp3s, some word documents, a good number of gaming ROMS stored in zip files
What the heck is going on? I used to feel so confident that my data was safe, but not any longer. Some insight would be greatly appreciated.